
Checking the join method on a Windows 10 computers.

Checking the domain join type of a computer used to be easy (here was only one :)). We could to go to System ...

PowerBI reporting for Intune and AzureAD

Setting up Enterprise Mobility & Security for your organization is one thing. But what's important is supporting ...

Setting up Multifactor Authentication the right way – Part three: Configuring a break the glass account

Welcome to the third and final part of the series 'Setting up Multifactor Authentication the right way'. In part one, ...

Setting up Multifactor Authentication the right way – Part two: Blocking Legacy Authentication

Welcome to the second part of my series 'Setting up Multifactor Authentication the right way'. In part one we have ...

Setting up Multifactor Authentication the right way – Part one: Enabling MFA

Multifactor Authentication is a hot topic at the moment. With the amount of attacks on cloud identities increasing each ...